But first, a bit of background. Jason is trying to break the bench press record, which is currently 1010. He is nearly there when the episode opens, and Ernie is keeping count for him. Kim is on the beam, dressed all in pink as usual (to complement Jason's entirely red gym clothes). Ernie loses count, and asks Jason to start again. I would be so angry.
Switch to Rita, whose "BIG PLAN" this episode is to send Goldar and her monsters to separate Jason from the team, and then "tear him apart". "With him out of the way," she says, "the rest of the Power Rangers will be at my mercy!"
Now, really Saban? The other four Rangers are just as capable as Jason. Jason is not the be all and end all (even though he is the hottest-- till Tommy shows up).
Also, I've never noticed it before, but sometimes Rita has a lisp. And something about her staff reminds me of Sailor Moon's wand. Let us examine, shall we?


Sailor Moon.
I'm just saying.
Moving on, we're back at the Youth Center-- and Jason DID start over. Which means he is now just upwards of two thousand bench presses. And then Zack goes skateboarding through the Youth Center (didn't his mother teach him not to skateboard inside?) while Kim is blowing the world's biggest bubblegum bubble-- and naturally Zack crashes into her, leaving both of them a giant sticky mess.
My only question-- why is Jason not exhausted if he's bench-pressed that barbell over 2000 times in the space of that afternoon? I mean, I doubt he got much of a break. I know he's a Power Ranger but come on. He's still fifteen.
I feel like this is Rita's plan every. Single. Time. What was that quote from Bones? Oh. Right. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome." Just an observation.
We return to the Youth Center, where, as evidenced by their outfits, it is the same afternoon. Kim is doing gymnastics again, while Jason and Zack seem to be checking her out (and who can blame them? She's hot and just wearing a leotard). Or maybe they're wondering, like I am, how Kim managed to get all the gum off her face and out of her hair in such a short amount of time. Because trust me, I've tried it. It isn't easy.
Bulk approaches and tells Jason the bench press record is still his. Now, I know what you're all thinking-- how on EARTH does Bulk hold a bench press record of over one thousand? I have no idea, and clearly neither do the writers. But Bulk tries to defend his title by bench pressing Jason. Jason manages to get away by tickling Bulk and stepping on his foot, causing Bulk to somehow rips his pants.
Ah, 90s humor.
Ok, no lies, though, I would totally laugh.
So then after Bulk and Skull leave to find Bulk some new pants, the communicators go off right in front of Ernie. I can't believe these kids thought he didn't know all those years. I'm 99.999% positive that he did.
More importantly, where are Billy and Trini?
This episode their bad guys are Goldar (as usual) and King Sphinx who looks like-- you guessed it-- a sphinx. He can use his wings to blow things away. Like Kim, for instance, in the middle of the battle. She ends up back at the Youth Center. On the beam. Demorphed and in her gym clothes*. And it isn't long till it's Zack's turn. And he ends up at the Youth Center. On the beam next to Kim. Which I find a little odd, since Zack doesn't do gymnastics.
So Jason is all alone, and Alpha is freaking out because Jason can't be reached on the communicators. King Sphinx takes Jason somewhere desert-looking and is trying to kill him and whatnot. He tells him he's nothing without his friends and why doesn't he just give up. I guess this is the opposite of the last episode. Teamwork was the theme then-- now it seems it's YOU CAN DO IT ON YOUR OWN.
Zack and Kim go to fetch Billy and Trini, where we find out Jason might need his friends "more than he knows" and that yes, Jason is indeed unable to be reached by communicator. DRAMA. However, when they arrive at the Command Center they find that apparently they can see him on the Viewing Globe. And he does need their help. Surprise, Saban-- Jason isn't all-powerful after all!
Zordon just keeps coming out with all this new useful stuff. This time it's Power Crystals. Apparently the Rangers can use them to find each other and to be more powerful. Although they have just been revealed, when Alpha sends them to Jason he automatically knows what they are and what to do with them. Must be a Morphin' Grid connection thing.
And of course the others show up when he flings the crystals and the zords aren't far behind. It's time to nearly get defeated and then WIN when it looks like you aren't going to! It sort of makes me sad when they immediately go to the Megazord, though. I know it's awesome and all but the Zords are pretty BA on their own, too.
Seriously, I could not have handled this as a fifteen year old. They must have been some hardcore kids, because this is some serious stuff they go through. Beatings every single day! Imagine the bruises. I'm amazed all of their parents didn't think they were in abusive relationships. I mean it's pretty accepted in fandom that they have healing powers that help them heal faster, but still. It can't be instantaneous.
Jason decides to switch to tank mode, which is cool. They blast Goldar and King Sphinx. Uh-oh Sphinx is flapping his wings! Wouldn't want to make it too easy, would be Saban? But then Jason calls the MEGA POWER SWORD (did we know that existed before this moment?) and everything is all well and good.
And we're back to Jason bench pressing. Might I point out everyone is wearing the same outfits? So it's the same day? So he's already done this over 2000 times AND fought a huge exhausting battle. And then he does over 1000 more. Jason is HARDCORE. But he needs his friends to succeed. He's careful to point that out.
Ernie has a cake for Jason for breaking the record. But it says Happy Birthday, Mom. It ends up not mattering, though. Bulk goes flying into the cake, rendering it no longer edible, and takes Skull down with him, making for a messy, albeit humorous, end to the episode.
*Maybe King Sphinx operates that stereo Seth Green is so excited about in the Italian Job. The one with speakers so loud it can blow a woman's clothes off?
Moving on, we're back at the Youth Center-- and Jason DID start over. Which means he is now just upwards of two thousand bench presses. And then Zack goes skateboarding through the Youth Center (didn't his mother teach him not to skateboard inside?) while Kim is blowing the world's biggest bubblegum bubble-- and naturally Zack crashes into her, leaving both of them a giant sticky mess.
My only question-- why is Jason not exhausted if he's bench-pressed that barbell over 2000 times in the space of that afternoon? I mean, I doubt he got much of a break. I know he's a Power Ranger but come on. He's still fifteen.
"First we separate Jason from the others"-- Goldar
"Then Rita grows you real tall!"-- Squatt
"And then we crush him!"-- Goldar.
"Then Rita grows you real tall!"-- Squatt
"And then we crush him!"-- Goldar.
I feel like this is Rita's plan every. Single. Time. What was that quote from Bones? Oh. Right. "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different outcome." Just an observation.
We return to the Youth Center, where, as evidenced by their outfits, it is the same afternoon. Kim is doing gymnastics again, while Jason and Zack seem to be checking her out (and who can blame them? She's hot and just wearing a leotard). Or maybe they're wondering, like I am, how Kim managed to get all the gum off her face and out of her hair in such a short amount of time. Because trust me, I've tried it. It isn't easy.
Bulk approaches and tells Jason the bench press record is still his. Now, I know what you're all thinking-- how on EARTH does Bulk hold a bench press record of over one thousand? I have no idea, and clearly neither do the writers. But Bulk tries to defend his title by bench pressing Jason. Jason manages to get away by tickling Bulk and stepping on his foot, causing Bulk to somehow rips his pants.
Ah, 90s humor.
Ok, no lies, though, I would totally laugh.
So then after Bulk and Skull leave to find Bulk some new pants, the communicators go off right in front of Ernie. I can't believe these kids thought he didn't know all those years. I'm 99.999% positive that he did.
More importantly, where are Billy and Trini?
This episode their bad guys are Goldar (as usual) and King Sphinx who looks like-- you guessed it-- a sphinx. He can use his wings to blow things away. Like Kim, for instance, in the middle of the battle. She ends up back at the Youth Center. On the beam. Demorphed and in her gym clothes*. And it isn't long till it's Zack's turn. And he ends up at the Youth Center. On the beam next to Kim. Which I find a little odd, since Zack doesn't do gymnastics.
So Jason is all alone, and Alpha is freaking out because Jason can't be reached on the communicators. King Sphinx takes Jason somewhere desert-looking and is trying to kill him and whatnot. He tells him he's nothing without his friends and why doesn't he just give up. I guess this is the opposite of the last episode. Teamwork was the theme then-- now it seems it's YOU CAN DO IT ON YOUR OWN.
Zack and Kim go to fetch Billy and Trini, where we find out Jason might need his friends "more than he knows" and that yes, Jason is indeed unable to be reached by communicator. DRAMA. However, when they arrive at the Command Center they find that apparently they can see him on the Viewing Globe. And he does need their help. Surprise, Saban-- Jason isn't all-powerful after all!
Zordon just keeps coming out with all this new useful stuff. This time it's Power Crystals. Apparently the Rangers can use them to find each other and to be more powerful. Although they have just been revealed, when Alpha sends them to Jason he automatically knows what they are and what to do with them. Must be a Morphin' Grid connection thing.
And of course the others show up when he flings the crystals and the zords aren't far behind. It's time to nearly get defeated and then WIN when it looks like you aren't going to! It sort of makes me sad when they immediately go to the Megazord, though. I know it's awesome and all but the Zords are pretty BA on their own, too.
Seriously, I could not have handled this as a fifteen year old. They must have been some hardcore kids, because this is some serious stuff they go through. Beatings every single day! Imagine the bruises. I'm amazed all of their parents didn't think they were in abusive relationships. I mean it's pretty accepted in fandom that they have healing powers that help them heal faster, but still. It can't be instantaneous.
Jason decides to switch to tank mode, which is cool. They blast Goldar and King Sphinx. Uh-oh Sphinx is flapping his wings! Wouldn't want to make it too easy, would be Saban? But then Jason calls the MEGA POWER SWORD (did we know that existed before this moment?) and everything is all well and good.
And we're back to Jason bench pressing. Might I point out everyone is wearing the same outfits? So it's the same day? So he's already done this over 2000 times AND fought a huge exhausting battle. And then he does over 1000 more. Jason is HARDCORE. But he needs his friends to succeed. He's careful to point that out.
Ernie has a cake for Jason for breaking the record. But it says Happy Birthday, Mom. It ends up not mattering, though. Bulk goes flying into the cake, rendering it no longer edible, and takes Skull down with him, making for a messy, albeit humorous, end to the episode.
*Maybe King Sphinx operates that stereo Seth Green is so excited about in the Italian Job. The one with speakers so loud it can blow a woman's clothes off?